Sunday 22 November 2015

Target Audience

Target Audience

Our film's genre is more of a 'feel good' action-thriller. The action and thriller will come more dominantly at the beginning and through the middle of the film. The 'feel good' description is in relation to the ending and outcome of the film.
With taking that into consideration we as a group believe that our perfect audience are: early to mid-late teens, even stretching out to people in their early 20s or university. The reason we believe this is because we feel that the film will appeal to the youth more than any other age group because our characters will be around the same age. Furthermore I think the whole story-line will intrigue the younger audience, as many people either come from or know people who don't come from the strongest background, and to be able to see the journey of a boy and his friends in whether they can reach the top or not will really appeal to them. Most of these teens will be of the male gender, due to the high crime and action, however we feel females will also be very interested and they're not excluded from the market we're trying to reach.

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