Thursday 26 November 2015

Interview/Focus group

Structured interview questions

Q1) What was the last film you watched in the cinema?
The reason I decided to ask this question was because I wanted to get an understanding of what type of films are popular at the moment in order to try and create a trend between the films and see what they have in common that makes them attract so many people. The type of responses I am expecting will be either Spectre or The Hunger Games.

Q2) Why did you watch that particular film?
Similar to what I previously said, the reason behind this question is again to establish whether or not there is a trend in the reasons for why people are watching these films. For example maybe it is one film in a chain of films or even because they were attracted to it by the trailer.

Q3) What is more important to you when deciding a film? Trailers or friend's feedback?

The reason for asking this question is I am wanting to see what effects people in the choices of a film. The trailer would show parts of the film which in a way is similar to a film opening but slightly more dramatic(depending on your style of film opening). Whereas a friend's feedback would be more subjective which would show an overall opinion of the full film. The type of response I am expecting would probably be the trailer.

Q4) What is your favourite film genre?
The reason for asking this question is simple: what film genre attracts most people. I want to see what film genres are most popular. This could possibly impact what type of film I'm looking to create in order to attract the most people. The type of response I am expecting will be very varied, I wouldn't be surprised if the responses were "action" or "comedy". I would be slightly more surprised if I heard "sci-fi" as the most common response; but it's not unexpected.

Q5) Do you often watch films as: a group, a couple or by yourself?
The reason for asking this question is to see how films often attract people. I want to get a feel of the makeup of the audience, whether it is split up individually or in groups. I am expecting the responses to be "as a group" because it usually makes the experience more enjoyable and gives you someone to whisper too throughout on what you think is going to happen next!

Q6) Is the opening of the film an important part for you?
This question is asked because I want to know how much of an impact the opening of a film has on people. This is in order to see how strong my film opening needs to be in order to keep viewers interested as some people can often be put off by the start of a film. I know I have. I am expecting varied responses.

Q7) What do you feel should be the strongest part of a film: beginning, middle or end?
The reason for asking this question is to see how balanced a film should be. Usually I would expect that the middle is where a film tends to slow down in pace, however the beginning and end usually tend to be the most exciting parts of the film to keep viewer interest and in order to give the lasting and initial opinion of the film positive. 

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