Wednesday 18 November 2015

Citizen Kane Analysis

Citizen Kane

The film stats off with a black drop screen. The production company is then faded into the shot. The black background is ever-present throughout the start of the opening film. The company production and director is then replaced by the film title 'Citizen Kane'. This takes up the whole space of the screen which draws the attention towards the viewers. Also the promotion of the film company and director is a simple title credits convention which is used to show and advertise well- known actors and/or producers/productions.

After the title fades away the music is then introduced. This is introduced around the same time of the sign reading 'No trespassing'. The sinister nature of the music sets the mood of the film right from the very start.The sinister music connotes some of mystery or horror will follow; especially as the setting is in grey mist. The clouding of the scene connotes more mystery and suspense as the audience cannot quite make out the setting.  This carries on with the camera moving constantly higher to give a sense of prowess or intimidation.

The music is ever-present within the film opening as the pictures on the screen change. The lighting is very dull and gloomy with the only colours shown being grey or black. These colours also connote the sinister nature of the film that correlates with the music.

Throughout the opening credits there is a prominent use of fading in and out of images. The blending of the scenes further demonstrates the mystery behind of the settings as again the whereabouts of the film are not quite clear.  The mist  then fades with the gates of a massive establishment; this gives the next clue of where the film is based but then is quickly faded out with a scene of a lake. This lake may play an important role within the film as in the reflection of it you then see the whole exterior structure of the house . This may connote some sort of insight or knowledge that can be associated with the lake.

The next few scenes uses the technique of establishing shot. This does what its namesake suggests; establishes the surroundings within the shot. We now see the house from more angles which begins to grip the viewers as `the scenes now are becoming clearer and the expectancy is to now next see more of the household. This becomes reality when the film introduces its first piece of light. The light is very dull, however due to the fact of the prior and constant bleak colors there is a clear contrast which is very attractive and draws attention and intrigue from the viewers. Especially as the light is almost instantly turned off as soon as you notice it it creates suspicion as well as possibly fear of what is to come next. The light then almost instantly reappears again as the camera begins to zoom closer to the room,  but again that image is faded before the viewers can make a clear conception of what they have seen. It is replaced by an insert shot of a blizzard which would confuse the viewers as these wasn't present a few moments ago. The master shot then shows a snow globe but with the snow still being present outside of the globe. We then hear the first form of speech in the film with a close-up of a man uttering what sounds like a name. This further connotes mystery or may be a clue of what the plot includes with the name being a possible protagonist or even antagonist of the film.

Finally, we then see the man drop the snow globe and it break. The next seen shows a nurse coming in and pull a cover over a man's body. This would connote that a man is dead and in fact the dropping of the globe was due to his imminent death. Again it is possible that we as the viewers heard the character's first and last words with the only word he mustered out being cemented in our minds as we believe the man's death has something to do with the name he said.

Lastly the title opening ends again with the light on in the dark room which would connote that maybe there still is life in the room. Even more suspense...

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