Friday 13 November 2015

Initial film ideas

Title – Billionaire Boy
Plot – This man becomes a billionaire.
·         Young black boy shown being given up as a baby.
·         Shown living with his foster parents who he’s very close to.
·         Next scene will be the funeral of both his parents around aged 11.
·         Gets into the gang culture.
·         Realizes he has a different mindset from the people surrounding him.
·         Goes to university where he creates a Billionaire product/app.
·         A lot of fame and attention greets him.
·         Biological parents try and reach out to him now.
·         He goes back to the ‘ends’ (where he grew up).
·         Everyone calls him “Billionaire Boy” ( hence the title).
·         Decides to build his own company, hiring kids he grew up with and their families.
·         A  story of how people with nothing ended up with everything.

 Image result for billion pounds
Location –
·         Set in London.
·         University can be Birmingham, quite a prestigious, big and predominantly white establishment.
·         Generally the location will be set throughout London, however the beginning and middle of the film will be set in an estate. Throughout the film there will be travelling to areas such as Chelsea and Kensington around the time fortunes start to change, as well as travelling when looking for a base to start up the company.

 Image result for estate v kensington]
Audience –
o   Certificate Rating = 15
o   Genre = Action drama
o   The film will be directed towards teenagers of both genders. Generally directed to more males due the largely male dominated cast, however, open to females also. Overall between ages 15 – 25.

·         Myles – Main character
·         Bruce – Shy IT kid
·         Marcus – Gang leader
·         Frederico – Myles’ right hand
·         Sam – Baby boy of the group.

I will deter from the traditional convention route in order to try and add as much interest and excitement to my film opening as possible. I will be using the realist/documentary effect with dim lighting in order to convey a sense of anticipation and expectancy of ominous danger. I also will use the POV angle in order to give the viewers a feeling of being in the character's footsteps and giving it a more life-like feel to the film.

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