Tuesday 15 March 2016

In-depth Analysis

The trailer opens up with two teenage boys in their bedroom smiling, laughing and singing, which shows a feel-good factor. This is interrupted through one of the boy's mum - Yemi. She refers to sending his equipment off to his family in Lagos. Through her African accent this demonstrates the cultural diversity that the show clearly demonstrates. Jay, the friend then says "Quickly bruv, run that track". Already through the dialogue between the two boys, we see that the language used is the type used by urban youths.

The next scene is at a club in which the announcer says "The biggest talent competition in the ends". Again with the reference of the word "ends" emphasises the urban genre of the show. This slang being used in the club also shows that it isn't just two boys who speak like this, but a generation that do.

There is also a snippet of a conversation between Yemi and his mother, in which she states "Don't you allow friends to rob you of your future". This is taken place with the use of low and high shot camera angles. Low shot angle was used for Yemi's mother. This emphasises the dominance and power his mother has over him; possibly also pointing to a level of respect he has for his mother.

Throughout, the use of the narrator is also very powerful. Towards the end of the trailer he says "Coming from the ends and aiming for the stars". This sets the tone for what the journey of the show is to be. While the narrator uttered those words, it was through the images of a wide view shot showing Yemi standing on the balcony with the whole estate in shot; in comparison to the next scene of Jay walking onto a stage in a packed out club. The juxtaposing images create the stark contrast of the two worlds and further emphasises the words by the narrator. Thus creating the lingering feel of empowerment  when he concludes the trailer with "Youngers, brand new series coming soon on E4".

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