Monday 11 April 2016



Logline/Treatment : 8/10

I was pleased with this score because as I was the one who created the film; this score confirms that the film has a solid storyline and that my analysis/ description of the film is good. Again this was emphasised through the comment of "Nice treatment description".

Language : 7/10

This was a decent score as I felt going into the pitch that it was our weakest area. The feedback consisted of " Good use of theory, including corrective stereotype... Focus a little more on Todorov". I agree with the comments as I feel we could have incorporated more of Todorov's theory of Equilibrium to further prove our understanding of language and concepts within film.

Audience : 7/10

I thought we had covered our audience quite well. Making sure it would be suitable for a range of people of ages and most importantly, those from different ethnic and class backgrounds which we incorporated within our film and pitch in order to appeal to them. However it was our lack of focus on a more straightforward area - age rating. "BBFC classification - can you work within 15 restrictions?". This emphasises our lack of clarity and depth into this aspect.

Representation : 9/10

This along with the Production/Industry were the areas which secured the B grade for the group. This specifically was a very impressive score that we were all pleased with. It quite possibly could've been a 10/10 if we had been "specific about [our] characters".

Production/Industry : 9/10

This for me was the most impressive score of the whole project and possibly the whole course. This is because this area was all down to us without a guideline of how to talk about or to describe it. This was down to our collective research as a group and as the score showed it tells us that by ourselves we are able to do well.

Presentation : 2/10

"A bit too much focus on characters, got a little boring in the middle". The score along with the comments means it's needless to say this was the most disappointing aspect of the whole pitch and quite possibly was the part which limited us from getting closer to the A grade.

Overall comments and grade:
"The most encouraging part of this pitch is how achievable the idea is - well done. It has been clearly thought through. I worry though that the pitch was the work of an individual, not a group".

42/60. B

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