Monday 1 February 2016

Interview and analysis

These are the questions and answers said in the above video:
Q1) What was the last film you watched in the cinema?
"Jurassic World".

Q2) Why did you watch that particular film?
"Curious to find out what the film is about".

Q3) What is more important to you when deciding a film? Trailers or friend's feedback?
"Trailer's because it gives outline of what the whole film is going to be about".

Q4) What is your favourite film genre?

Q5) Do you often watch films as: a group, a couple or by yourself?
"Usually as a group but the last film I watched was with my girlfriend"

Q6) Is the opening of the film an important part for you?
"In a way".

Q7) What do you feel should be the strongest part of a film: beginning, middle or end?

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