Thursday 4 February 2016

Analysis of target audience questionnaire

Q1) What was the last film you watched in the cinema?
"Jurassic World".
This showed us that people are often interested in films that are current, as well as wanting to see a film which is a sequel – something we cannot do. This is because we don't have a big enough budget for a production the magnitude of Jurassic World. So what we can take from this answer is to acknowledge our resources and to try and use it to full effect.

Q2) Why did you watch that particular film?
"Curious to find out what the film is about".
 This showed us that the advertisement of a film is very important, and that people often get an idea of a film through the trailer, which is supported by the following answer.

Q3) What is more important to you when deciding a film? Trailers or friend's feedback?
"Trailer's because it gives outline of what the whole film is going to be about".
This showed us again that the media and advertisement aspect of a film is very important in the choosing of what to watch. Therefore what we can take from this answer is that to create 'buzz' or attraction for our film we would have to publicise the film in order for people to get a sense of what our film is about in order for them to become curious or intrigued about it

Q4) What is your favourite film genre?
This wasn’t a surprise to us as we had predicted action to be one of the most common genres. This answer has made us aware to include some action in our opening scene – which we now will.

Q5) Do you often watch films as: a group, a couple or by yourself?
"Usually as a group but the last film I watched was with my girlfriend"
This is an important answer as it tells us the gender we should try and appeal to for our target audience. This answer has shown us that we should try and appeal to both men and women, which is what our film audience is.

Q6) Is the opening of the film an important part for you?
"In a way".
This answer has shown us that the beginning of a film is somewhat crucial in the landscape of the duration of a film. In order for people to be engaged throughout the film, we have to make sure our opening is exciting.

Q7) What do you feel should be the strongest part of a film: beginning, middle or end?

This answer in a way kind of contradicts the above evaluation. However it does show that we need a good platform for all areas of our film which includes the beginning, middle and end.

Monday 1 February 2016

Interview and analysis

These are the questions and answers said in the above video:
Q1) What was the last film you watched in the cinema?
"Jurassic World".

Q2) Why did you watch that particular film?
"Curious to find out what the film is about".

Q3) What is more important to you when deciding a film? Trailers or friend's feedback?
"Trailer's because it gives outline of what the whole film is going to be about".

Q4) What is your favourite film genre?

Q5) Do you often watch films as: a group, a couple or by yourself?
"Usually as a group but the last film I watched was with my girlfriend"

Q6) Is the opening of the film an important part for you?
"In a way".

Q7) What do you feel should be the strongest part of a film: beginning, middle or end?